The Kintore “Town Square” Masterplan project is focused on improving the amenity and outdoor infrastructure of public spaces in the centre of Kintore community.

As part of MacDonnell Regional Council’s strategy of developing community Infrastructure plans for each of the 13 remote communities within the MRC Regional, this plan provides landscape design solutions for social and environmental needs including heat mitigation, dust suppression, screening prevailing winds, vehicle management and engaging the community in the “town Square” space.

Proposed works included mounds and plantings for wind break, vehicle control, stormwater harvesting and shade, as well as stormwater harvesting and shade, as well as increased shade structures, meeting spaces playgrounds, fencing and public memorial plaques.increased shade structures, meeting spaces playgrounds, fencing and public memorial plaques.

MacDonnell Regional Council

Landscape design, consultation, participatory design


Community consultation with Kintore residents and MRC facilitated by Arid Edge Manager Alex McClean. Credit: MacDonnell Regional Council.